The process

I just want to let you guys in on my evidence sharing process. First of all, my sound recorder’s software has a bug, so in order to upload my audio from my recorder I have to play it with the recorder and re-record using a two-way 3.5mm plug and audacity. After that, I have to export it into a .wav file so I can use it in a video editing program wherein I add a still image and export again. After all that is complete, I have to upload my video and link to it so you can get to it.

All of that, just because wordpress won’t allow me to upload my audio unless I have the premium service which I can’t afford just now because I’m saving up for an apartment.


Now why do I mention all this? Well, I’m currently uploading my first video to youtube so you all can hear an EVP I caught. And a creepy one at that. If I were a different sort of person I wouldn’t go back to that graveyard knowing what I know now… but being as I am slightly insane, I already have.

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